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  • kevinalvir

We Caught Up???

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Hey folks!!

Some of the biggest news that I can deliver you is that I have a graphic novel coming out in SEPTEMBER 2023. It will be on IDW / Top Shelf Comics. My babies, Lisa Cheese & Ghost Guitar, will have their own full length graphic novel adventure. I'm all done with the actual book and soon enough, I shall start designing the book. Very excited. I'll be more full of news, images, insights as we get closer to the release date.

Further, if you refer to your left... I drew the cover to this Kylie Minogue Tribute Compilation. You can purchase and download the compilation here. The proceeds from purchasing this compilation go toward the MacMillan Cancer charity.

I'm a TEACHER too!!! I have been seeing students. I teach within the realm of art. I teach upwards from ages 6 - 70. If you are looking to level up your art skills, send me a message. I would love to help. I teach digital art, life drawing, pencils, comic book skills, comic book development, watercoloring. I do a lot. I'm a lot of fun. I do lessons over zoom, in case, you are far away. Know: I am always around.

That is all I have for now. I promise I will update more often. Takes a lot emotionally to update a website and send a message to the world. Ha. Be well.

More soon.

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